Lumen press release – Questionnaire survey

Contrast to online gender-based violence: now available the survey for teachers and educators

By filling in a simple survey questionnaire, teachers, tutors and educators can provide their contribution to ON-OFF, the European project against online gender-based violence started in Fiorano Modenese last November. The questionnaire can be found on SurveyMonkey, the platform for surveys and collection of opinions, at it is very simple and takes a few minutes. On the website and on the Facebook page of Casa Corsini you can find more information and the direct link.
“The survey – explain the organizers – is aimed at teachers and educators from all over the province of Modena who are involved with classes or groups of children aged 12 to 17. We would have liked to meet participants face-to-face to better understand the educational needs and how to respond, but obviously it is not possible nowadays. For this reason, we are asking the support of teachers, tutors and educators: their opinion is really important for us to develop the project in the best way”. The survey is made of 18 general multiple-choice questions, useful for framing the topic as a whole.
The European project ON-OFF aims at creating an intervention model to combat online gender-based violence addressed to European teachers and educators, to be tested and then freely made available, once validated.
The project involves 6 partner organizations from 5 European countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Italy. The Lead Partner is Lumen, the Association for social promotion that is responsible for the development and implementation of activities in Casa Corsini on behalf of the Municipality of Fiorano Modenese. The second Italian partner is Aretés, that has experience in applied research.
In each Country at least 18 teachers and educators and about 140 girls and boys aged 12 to 17 will be involved, for a total of 90 teachers/educators and 700 young people.
At the end of the project, the intervention model will be available in 5 languages. It will be an online platform tested and validated, containing lessons, images, videos, information sheets that can be used to inform, involve and raise awareness among youngsters about online gender-based violence.
All local schools, youth centers, teachers and educators can freely participate in the project activities.
“In this period – the organizers explain – in all the European territories involved we are administering an online survey and results will be used to design educational modules that are as close as possible to the needs of the educating community”.

Fiorano Modenese, 12 May 2020